What we do:
Palouse Permaculture is dedicated to bringing together academic, traditional, and indigenous knowledge and experience to create healthy and resilient human settlements and communities that are in harmony with the world around us.
Where we are:
Palouse Permaculture is centered in Moscow, Idaho, in the heart of the Palouse Bioregion, bordered by the rivers and canyon country to the south, mountain forests to the east and north, and the Columbia Basin desert to the west. The Palouse Bioregion is an area of southeastern Washington and northern Idaho which is characterized by deep, fertile soils and rolling grasslands, and is now dominated by dryland wheat farming. It was a traditional camas gathering area for several First Nations, including the Nez Perce and Coeur d’Alene peoples. It is home to the Palouse Prairie, a unique prairie ecosystem of which less than one percent remains and which is one of the most highly endangered ecosystems in the world. The Palouse is also home to two land-grant universities; the University of Idaho, in Moscow, and Washington State University, in Pullman, Washington.

What is Permaculture?
Permaculture is a whole-systems design science that uses the principles of ecology and thermodynamics to create sustainable human settlements and institutions. It was developed in Australia in the 1970s by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, and is grounded in the observation of natural ecosystems, and in knowledge and experience drawn from traditional and indigenous cultures. Permaculture focusses on practical, human-scale design. Permaculture principles can be used to create everything from a backyard edible landscape to a rainwater collection system to a system of community governance. Permaculture is guided by the ethical principles of Care of the Earth, Care of People, and Fair Share.
Come join us!
The folks at Palouse Permaculture